I decided today that…

Forks Community Church | Word of the Week: Are you full?

photo credit: forkscommunitychurch.org

I decided today that….

I will do the never-ending pile of laundry with a grateful heart.

I will rinse the dishes before I load them into the dishwasher with a smile.

I won’t lose my temper when my 15 year old son decides to act like he’s 2.

I will make my kids do their part without getting frustrated with their reluctance to help.

I will drink hot tea instead of the soda that somehow snuck itself in my fridge.

I will show my children tough love and not feel guilty just this once.

I will try to be the better version of myself that my children make me want to be.

I will do all of these things with thankfulness for this day God has given me.

memoirs of a loving mom

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