Nightmare of a dream

I tossed and turned last night like a raging sea.

Nothing calmed the storm in this awful scene.

My children were running scared.

I offered my soul to save them, so lost in my despair.

I couldn’t protect them no matter how I tried.

Tears rolled down my cheeks as my broken heart cried.

I hit my knees and prayed, God please help us we know not what we do.

This world is so consumed by evil it has taken our eyes off you.

The storm went calm I shakenly awoke from the dream.

I started to pray Lord help mankind find unity.

You gave us this beating heart and abilitity to feel emotions.

I know we have freewill and I understand you ask of us devotion .

So I simply ask of you to light up the darkness for those who cannot see.

Help us save our children so that they one day have a chance at eternal peace.


Copyright memoirsofalovingmom

Genie come true

You have three magic genie wishes, what are you asking for?

Three magical wishes for little ol me.

I’d love to have a magic carpet to travel earths wondrous beauty.

Everyone would be friends , no enemies or greed.

A world with no cancer or uncurable disease.

These are things I’d wish for but is it just a dream.


Copyright memoirsofalovingmom

And many more

Oh my dear sweet boy.

I knew that you were growing .

You lost interest in your toys.

I heard the changes coming .

Your voice a squeaky noise.

I knew that you were growing.

Your eyes looked for distant joys.

I saw the changes coming.

Your face no longer a baby boy.

I knew that you were growing.

Your heart wide open for a love to join.

A growing man you have become.I love you to the moon. Happy birthday my youngest son.


Copyright memoirsofalovingmom


What are you most proud of in your life?

If the little girl inside of me was gifted just one tale.

It wouldn’t be about the courage she found within her broken sail.

It wouldn’t be about the pain she conquered in order to prevail.

It would be about a strong young woman who added three babies to her tale.

It would be about her proudest achievements in life two boys and a baby girl.

And now nothing could ever compare to bringing these Littles into this big ol world .

If all she ever did was this it would be as precious as a pearl.

A life lived for them from deep within is the proudest little girl.


Copyright memoirsofalovingmom


What have you been working on?

I been working on my perspective and changing what I see all around.

I been working on my insecurities learning what I see I am not bound.

I been working on my weaknesses for within each of them strengths can be found.

I been working on all of my footprints that I leave behind every time my toes caress the ground.

I’ve been working on all the parts of me that quiet his graceful sound .

Memoirsofaloving mom

Copyright memoirsofalovingmom

P for Principal

What principles define how you live?

Live each day on purpose.

Make each connection count .

Act from beneath your surface.

Be humble in your life throughout.

Share your strength with others

But never let anyone dim your light

Add to society but work in plain sight.

Never ask for something that should be offered .

Never kill, steal,cheat, or lie.

Don’t go to bed angry in case you don’t make it through the night .


Copyright memoirsofaloving mom

Let it go

What have you been putting off doing? Why?

Sometimes it’s like an endless cycle round and round I go.

Why do I hold on so tight it’s only God that knows.

Almost like an infinite game of monopoly, but I never get to pass go.

Or is it more like a game of cat and mouse endlessy going to and fro.

It’s the little things you see that get to me the most.

When will I learn that other people’s actions are out of my control.


Copyright memoirsofalovingmom

It was him

When was the first time you really felt like a grown up (if ever)?

The pain was excruciating .

Fourteen hours came and went .

We were running out of time they said you were in distress.

I layed my hands across my belly and told you it was time .

Push after push and finally you were there .

This tiny little being that would change my life.

Eight pounds and 10 ozs a bundle of joy.

The little girl in me grew up that day.

A mother for the first time.


Copyright memoirsofalovingmom

Million in Bits

If you had a million dollars to give away, who would you give it to?

If I had a million dollars I’d give it away bit by bit.

I’d find all the struggling people and through them I would sift.

Some to the homeless so they could pay someone rent.

Some to the veterans who have earned every bit.

Some to the battered women and children for all the hell they have lived.

Some to the hungry for meals they never should have missed.

Some to the animal shelters for the pets to live.

Some to my children so that they to can give.

Some to the teachers for their bravery and strength within.

Some to Emergency workers that save lives from an end.

Some to my husband for the things he never did.

Some to the cancer research that gave my brother a chance to live.

If I had a million dollars I would stretch it so the world could win.


Copyright memoirsofalovingmom