Memoirs of a loving mom

No dust ! isn’t it beautiful!

I am a mother of an awesome  daughter and two amazing boys.  I am also a wife, cook , maid, chauffeur, self-taught nurse, referee, mediator, exc.. I bet you’re thinking  this lady must be rich with all these jobs.  You’re right , but it’s not the kind of rich that involves money. I’m rich in love, stress, insanity, happiness, as well as so many other riches only a parent finds more valuable than gold. Being a mother is the best job in the world most days, but I’ll admit there are some days I just want tuck tail and run with what little sanity I have secretly stashed away in case of emergency.  I started this blog to help other moms , but truthfully I hope it helps me too. I try to keep things short and sweet . Most of my posts are going to be poetic. I realize poetry is an acquired taste and not everyone is going to like it.  When I write I tell a story about my life. Every poem or post I write will be genuine and completely from my heart. I hope other moms can relate to my blog. Being a mother means living a  life full of beautifully bitter-sweet moments with a dash of chaos. All we can do is hang on and enjoy the roller-coaster ride. Thanks for reading and I hope you’ll follow my blog. 🙂


Dear God

You build me up.

Then tear me down.

You pick me up.

Then you let me fall.

You isolate me.

Then pull me out.

You lead me .

You never leave me.

You use me as a tool.

You  let me look like a fool.

You test me every day .

You let me fall apart.

You believe in me .

You love me .

You don’t want us to be a part.

Memoirs of a loving mom

Copyright memoirsofalovingmom

Together Bright blue

Don’t know what is becoming of humanity .

Sorrow fills plains as does the sea.

Try each and every day .

Give a damn AND don’t  let it fade away.

Look around my friends.

Doesn’t have to be the end.

Cry as the earth just crumbles all around .

Be the light as the darkness fuels the crowds

We can’t be the only ones.

I bet if we all put our lights together we would be as bright as the Sun.


Copyright memoirsofalovingmom


Sitting here wondering where the time has gone.

My mind races in silence of all that could go wrong .

Still I climb and I climb this mountain I can’t see.

I know it is real and always haunting me.

Its ever changing  shape defies laws of gravity .

I just keep moving step by step cherishing the moments I get higher in its depths.



Roots to Garden

As a child I never had a place for my roots to take hold.

Place after place the soil was spoiled.

So I dug and I dug planting seeds every chance that I got .

Praying and hoping the roots didn’t rot.

It wasn’t until I found Jesus and my church home .

That I realized my roots had already been sewn .

They had been watered and fertilized with all the kindness I’d known.

You see roots are resilant and their life’s mission is to thrive and reproduce.

Just a mustard seed of faith they will take hold for you.

A garden will grow deep inside your heart.

You’ll always need to tend the weeds and keep it safe in the dark.

Keep your light coming through but ask God for rain if the soil gets too hard.

Know that you have the best gardener at hand if anything comes apart.


Copyright memoirsofalovingmom

Take the hurt

Bad things happen but we don’t know why.

People we love dearly are lost.

We indefinitely long for a last goodbye.

Take the hurt I say or suffer the cost.

numbness means all is lost .

The hurt reminds us that you were once here.

Your memory will live on through every shed tear.


Copyright memoirsofalovingmom

A tooth of a find

What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever found (and kept)?

For years and years I had dream’t of the day.

Sifting through the sands time after time left with only sunburn and dismay..

Whilst others lay bathing in the warmth of the sun.

There I was with my scooper thinking this year would be the one.

The store shelves were filled with ones you could buy.

I could say that I found it but that would be a lie.

Finally this year I gave it one more try .

Praying me and my scooper had the ocean on our side.

Suddenly I saw it and couldn’t believe my eyes .

After all these years one sharks loss became my prize.


copyright memoirsofalovingmom

Past & Present Balance

Hurry hurry don’t be late.

But slow it down and appreciate.

These moments will just pass on by.

But the bills roll in and we must survive .

The kids are older they don’t need as much.

Oh yes they do so we can’t lose touch.

Building good hearted humans that’s a life long career.

God always finds a way to make things clear.


Copyright memoirsofalovingmom